Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Great Wine Rack....

A friend of my husbands had seen the paper storage cabinet while it was in progress.  He instantly associated it with a wine rack and asked my husband if he could construct the wine rack that he had invisioned.... My DH is always up for a challenge and agreed as long as he didn't have to stain it... lol!  Told you he's not known for his finish work :):):)
The wine rack holds 90 bottles of wine and my husbands friend was thrilled with it.

Here it is... Made to order.
Here's a picture my DH's friend sent of it in it's new home (all full of wine).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Custom DELUXE 12x12 Paper Storage (part 3)... FINISHED!!!

Here it is and it turned out AWESOME!
I LOVE My Custom DELUXE 12x12 Paper Storage and all the extra drawers!!!!
Thank you babe, ♥ you ~ xoxoxo

Please Note:  Nothing is as orange as it appears in the pic's.   It was the wrong time of the day for pictures, hence the poor lighting.  It's truly a very beautiful color, in person.

My Custom DELUXE 12x12 Paper Storage (part 2)... The Progress!!!

 OK... I'm very excited!  We're close to having my awesome new cabinet, that DH built, in place.  My husband did a great job and everything is going to fit just perfect.  Since my DH is not known for staining his creations, that's where I come in handy.  I've stained it dark to match everything else in my studio.  Below are some pictures of the progress and I'll post a pic's of it in place and all filled up, once it dries.

Above pic's are the sanding process...
Below the staining process.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Custom DELUXE 12x12 Paper Storage (part 1)... My DH Is Multitasking!!!


He's still working on G-Ma's B-day quilt.  He's completed the top of the quilt (it's gorgeous and now needs to assemble, quilt and bind it.  

He's also started another project (for me).  He's building a heavy duty storage for my 12x12 paper.  We had initially purchased a rolli-cart that was supposed to store it, but soon found it to be too weak and very unattractive.  So he's come up with a great design, that will hold more paper and be much stronger. There will also be second side that will accommodate the drawers of a smaller rolli-cart, so that everything matches and creates more counter-top/work space at the same time.  Another beauty to this is I can finish it in any stain and with any design my little heart desires.  Here's a peak of my man's crafty work... It's not finished yet, he's in the garage working his magic now :):):)  I'll post completed pictures at a later date, once it's all finished.
Have an excellent day and ♥"NEVER FORGET"♥